fertilizer with inverts

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Daphnia are People Too.
Jun 30, 2011
Lincoln, NE
I have never used any plant fertilizers before, but I am thinking about using some in my rcs tank. I want to know if anybody with inverts has any recommendations that they know for sure are good. Thanks.
I use ferts regularly in my shrimp tanks, have never had any issues. I've used flourish for a while, and have been using csm+b micromix. I've heard that heavy excel dosing can diminish invert #s but otherwise I think the trace amounts of Cu in these various micromixes is primarily a nonissue.
I use ferts regularly in my shrimp tanks, have never had any issues. I've used flourish for a while, and have been using csm+b micromix. I've heard that heavy excel dosing can diminish invert #s but otherwise I think the trace amounts of Cu in these various micromixes is primarily a nonissue.
Fantastic. Thanks.
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