Filter advice for betta

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 19, 2020
Hello all. It's been so long since I've been in the aquarium hobby so i hope i don't sound stupied. Im getting an older 30 gallon tank cleaned and ready for a betta. What filter is best? I know i need somthing that is slow flow and yes i do know and remember about cycling the tank. No fish will be put in before the water is good to go.
I would suggest the Seachem Tidal 55 because of it's adjustable flow, auto priming and easy of cleaning.
You have a lot of options at that size: sponge, canister, hang on back, internal. I use Aquaclears and have been very happy with them. Just remember your betta probably doesn't like a lot of flow, especially if he has long fins.
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