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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 16, 2011
My 10 Gallon has been giving me issues lately. The AquaClear 30 (150gph) is quite noisy. I replaced it but the replacement was obnoxiously louder, so I'm back to the original.

I'm filter hunting!

I am looking for a good filter that does 125GPH+ and is SILENT! BUT, I need something that disturbs my water surface for aeration purposes, preferably alot.

Fluval U2&U3 are my first choices. Seem like great filters... But low surface agitation, I think.

Fluval 105&205- What do you think? I'm set on getting either one but once again, I'm worried about aeration. I'm not using an air pump; it defeats the purpose of silence.

So please help me! Anything under $150 is good.

Thanks in advance,

If your not going to upgrade anytime soon, I'd say go with the 105 at minimum.
If you think you'll replace the 10 with a 20 - 30gal ... Then a 205.
So the 105 has good agitation?

Mumma- I'm running 150gph lol, actually I think there isn't alot of agitation.
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