Finicky eaters

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 24, 2013
Carpentersville, IL
I currently only have 5 Serpae Tetras and Im having a problem getting them to eat the flake food I purchased (Aqueon Tropical Flakes).
I should mention that I only got these fish 2 weeks ago.

They will either spit out what they do suck in, or ignore the flakes altogether. The nice girl at one of my LFS suggested not feeding them for a day or two to get them hungry enough that they wont pass on the flakes.
This sorta works, but once they fill up on flakes they go back to turning up their noses at it again. Im not sure how comfortable I am only feeding them every 2-3 days, but if somebody out there has had a similar problem and found this to be the solution then I will give it a go.

Also, I have dried brine shrimp and fish crisps and they eat those just fine. So I dont think there is anything wrong with them that is affecting their appetite.
Try frozen baby brine shrimp or liquid plankton if you think it's them being finicky- but to be honest, my adult tetras aren't hungry every day- you might find giving them a varied diet of fresh, frozen and premium flakes and pellets will add up to beautifully colored and happy fish... Just from my own personal experience
Your Tetras

I currently only have 5 Serpae Tetras and Im having a problem getting them to eat the flake food I purchased (Aqueon Tropical Flakes).
I should mention that I only got these fish 2 weeks ago.

They will either spit out what they do suck in, or ignore the flakes altogether. The nice girl at one of my LFS suggested not feeding them for a day or two to get them hungry enough that they wont pass on the flakes.
This sorta works, but once they fill up on flakes they go back to turning up their noses at it again. Im not sure how comfortable I am only feeding them every 2-3 days, but if somebody out there has had a similar problem and found this to be the solution then I will give it a go.

Also, I have dried brine shrimp and fish crisps and they eat those just fine. So I dont think there is anything wrong with them that is affecting their appetite.

Hello again Coy...

Tetras have teeth, they prefer meat. Try some frozen foods and pass on the flaked food. The frozen is much more nutritious, because there are no additives put into it. Look for the frozen with just the frozen animal and water. Get some frozen brine or mysis shrimp, bloodworms, beef heart, plankton and krill.

You'll have to chop the frozen cubes into small pieces for Tetras, because they feed in the upper half of the tank. Generally, food that falls to the bottom is ignored by Tetras. But, you can get some Corydoras (the little cats), they'll clean up the food on the bottom. I also feed a little minced garlic. It's very high in vitamins and a natural antibiotic. Just mash it up a little and drop it into the water.

You can also float some Anacharis in the tank. A good veggie addition to the Tetras diet.

Feed just a little a couple of times a week and your fish will be active and healthy.

hmm... fair 'nuff. They'll eat the crisps and dried brine shrimp for now I suppose. I really dont want to get more types of food until my tank is fully cycled (which is why I dont have any bottom feeders yet) and has more stock in it.

Ugh.. why did I buy the giant bottle of fish flakes? :facepalm:
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