Fire Eels Question..

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 20, 2006
St. Louis Missouri
I seen them for sale online and wanted to know what some of your opinions are that own them or have researched them

1. Do they get along with other fish? temperament?

2. How big do they get? What size tank would they need?

3. What do they eat?

4. Would they bite if you stuck your hand in the tank to fish the fish..

I always hand feed my Silver dollars, Gouramis and Black ghost knife
Squirt0170 said:
I seen them for sale online and wanted to know what some of your opinions are that own them or have researched them

1. Do they get along with other fish? temperament?

Predatory, but not aggressive...they will eat any fish that they can swallow.

2. How big do they get? What size tank would they need?

Up to 48" (and as big around as your wrist), and about 65 gallons minimal if by themself.

3. What do they eat?

Just about anything meaty that they can swallow, but they really relish worms and fish.

4. Would they bite if you stuck your hand in the tank to fish the fish..

Possibly, but I know several people with large ones that hand-feed them, and have yet to be bitten.
Great questions. I guess I'll take a stab at these because I have 2 myself, and they have been my pride and joy in my non-planted tank. I currently house them in my 55G, but their ultimate home is going to be either a 265G or 300G tank. I've had them almost 18 months now, and they were just under 3 inches when I got them. They are currently 12 inches and 13 inches, and still growing. And they have been reported to live 20+ years, but still not known for certain.

Squirt0170 said:
1. Do they get along with other fish? temperament?
Some may eat smaller fish, yes. Temperment, non aggressive. Would do good in most community tanks if the tank is large enough. 55G bare minimum to start, but will eventually need 125G or larger down the road.

Squirt0170 said:
2. How big do they get? What size tank would they need?
In the wild, they can get up to 40+ inches, but in the home aquaria, most say they only get up to about 20 inches or a little bigger. But also depends on living conditions, tank size, etc.

Squirt0170 said:
3. What do they eat?

Mine eat frozen bloodworms and red wigglers that are cut up. They won't touch shrimp or frozen brine shrimp unless it's mixed in with the bloodworms. They will also eat frozen beef heart if mixed in with the bloodworms. But that's how mine are, very picky eaters, lol. Has to be with bloodworms.

Squirt0170 said:
4. Would they bite if you stuck your hand in the tank to fish the fish..
IME, no. In fact, mine eat right out of my hands, and even like being rubbed on the top of their head. I'll stick my finger in, and they will come up and sniff it, then sit there to get their rubbing. :)

Here's pics of my babies....


Lonewolfblue said:
Squirt0170 said:
2. How big do they get? What size tank would they need?
In the wild, they can get up to 40+ inches, but in the home aquaria, most say they only get up to about 20 inches or a little bigger. But also depends on living conditions, tank size, etc.

Boy, have I a surprise for you....40"+ fires in home aquaria are far more common than you imagine...even my two are now in the 28" range after only 3½ years, and I know a number of chaps with fires ranging from 36"-44"....all home-grown.
Toirtis said:
Lonewolfblue said:
Squirt0170 said:
2. How big do they get? What size tank would they need?
In the wild, they can get up to 40+ inches, but in the home aquaria, most say they only get up to about 20 inches or a little bigger. But also depends on living conditions, tank size, etc.

Boy, have I a surprise for you....40"+ fires in home aquaria are far more common than you imagine...even my two are now in the 28" range after only 3½ years, and I know a number of chaps with fires ranging from 36"-44"....all home-grown.

I was just going off info posted in other sites. Good to know. :)
WOW! So they get HUGE no less!! Thank you both for the great advice!

Those are great pictues Lonewolfblue. Thank you for sharing. I always thought they had black heads for some reason.

To me it just seems like the more exotic a fish is the longer and bigger it is.. which always means...."Bigger Tank"

Also, One thing I read about them, people have bought them and they find them hiding in their filters.... do they get out of the tanks easily? or see them slithering out.. Lonewolfblue have yours done this or tried it.

On my tank I cut a little flap so the water from the filter can get in the tank (instead of the floor)
I had no problems at all with mine doing that. Some say that they are jumpers, and will get out of the tank, but that's not true for mine, at least they haven't tried. They do prefer a sand substrate, like my pool filter sand that I have. I also made some good DIY caves for them. I guess it all depends on what you give them for their territory, as to whether they will stay in the tank or try to find something different outside the tank, lol. I currently have no tops on my tank, as it's too warm here and when I have my tops on, the temp in the tank rises a couple degrees a day, and doesn't cool off. But on cooler days I do use my tops.
Okay! thank you for the reply. They say Bala Sharks are jumpers too but mine have never tried and I keep the lid open when I'm watching them and feeding them... My conclusion about fire eels crawling out is...

Every fish has their own personality. some can be escape artists or jumpers and some may not. They need LARGE tanks, and love being petted. I don't know what it is about bloodworms but those are a fav here! I'm going to need to hire "Petsmart's" supplier on bloodworms LOL
Squirt0170 said:
Every fish has their own personality. some can be escape artists or jumpers and some may not. They need LARGE tanks, and love being petted. I don't know what it is about bloodworms but those are a fav here! I'm going to need to hire "Petsmart's" supplier on bloodworms LOL

LOL, pretty close. Not sure that all love to be petted. It's just that mine do, lol. Like you said before, each fish has it's own personality. :)
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