first timer planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 27, 2013
Saskatchewan Canada
I have a spare ten gallon sitting around. Was thinking of having a go at a planted tank. Is a ten gallon a good size for this? Or too small? If so what plants are good beginner plants that still look nice. And maybe stocking ideas to go with the plants ince the tank is set up and everything. Thanks
What type of lighting and bulbs are you using as lighting will determine the type of plants you can grow successfully.
With stock lighting you can get crypts to plant in the substrate. Then you can get anubia's, java ferns, and bolbitus to tie onto driftwood or rocks.
A ten gallon tank is very shallow and there are many types of crypts. But even Crypt Wendtii will grow really tall in that size tank. Pet Smart carries different types of Crypts in tubes and they give the max height of leaves on the tube. You also might be able to grow Water Sprite which will grow both tall and bushy.
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