Fish Dying Every Month Or Two.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 12, 2021
Hi, I am new to this Hobby.
We have a 125L Tropical Fish Tank currently with 9 Barbs,1 Platy,6 Tetras ,Plus 3 Octos.
The Tank as been set up and running now for 7 month, Most of the Fish in there have been for at least 6 months.
The water gets tested regularly and we do water changes etc.
All ok with the water today.
However steadily from the start we seem to lose a fish every couple of months!
I have noticed they appear more lethargic/hide and then a few days later are dead.
Yesterday I noticed 2 or 3 of my Barbs hounding one of the other Barbs, He wasn't swimming away and had some fin damage so we have now put a Tank Divider up and housed him in there, He is mostly hovering at the top and isn't really eating, But is calm and not being bothered anymore.
One of our Barbs is very aggressive and will constantly chase some of the others( leaves 3 alone)
Now I have noticed one of the others with ripped at fins and this one is now being bullied.
Should I put this one in with the other? I am worried it to will attack, as apart from being chased it is very lively/eating etc..
Any Advice?
Shall I remove the aggressor to a temp tank?
Should I remove the Tetras/Platy to another tank?( the Barbs do not seem to bother these fish)
Should I get more Barbs to hopefully stop the nipping?
So many Questions!!!( Sorry)
I just want the best for my Fishes and feel like I am mucking things up.:banghead:
Most likey that they are attemting to raise dominance within the 3 (or rather 4 you stated) they must be the toughest and do want to loose dominance, probably a pair that is like the "lead" of the school and the others wanted to take over. It may seem crazy but I've had this happen before as well. Turns out mine was a pair about ready to span and the others were pestering them. This may not be your case but most likely they were fighting for dominance. Hope this could help you!
Thank you, I have since rearranged the tank and Hope this will stop the fighting so much.
The Tiger I have separated is still very lethargic and not eating!!!
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