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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 12, 2011
My tank is a 55 gal., plastic and silk, black and blue gravel, black sand, artificial and Moapi (sp?) wood, tank.


I'm going to get a few moss balls and was thinking if there are some floating, low-light plants i could toss in to make my fishies to be happy, I would. Any recs or websites anyone could refer me to? Plants I could get easily at PetsMart or PetCo would be ideal.
jen31972 said:
My tank is a 55 gal., plastic and silk, black and blue gravel, black sand, artificial and Moapi (sp?) wood, tank.
<img src="http://www.aquariumadvice.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=45892"/>

<img src="http://www.aquariumadvice.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=45893"/>

I'm going to get a few moss balls and was thinking if there are some floating, low-light plants i could toss in to make my fishies to be happy, I would. Any recs or websites anyone could refer me to? Plants I could get easily at PetsMart or PetCo would be ideal.

Hi nice tank btw! Love the colors and scaping! I believe u are referring to mopani driftwood.. And here's a good link for plants.
We also have a thread here on AA listing most freshwater plants. Just search comprehensive plant list :)
Thanks for the link. Took me straight to floaters! I copies down some easy, low-light suggestions and will bring my list with me this afternoon. My 12 yo is volunteering at PetsMart with the kitties and I have to stay with him due to his age, so i'll check it out!
Thanks for the idea, Jeta. Looks like ordering online may be my best plan.
Avoid Amazon frogbit or water lettuce, they need more light. Duckweed or Salvinia would grow quite well though IME.
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