FS: Variety of food

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2005
Iowa USA
I've determined that I have way too much food on hand for my fish. Amazing how quickly it accumulates when you buy a little and win some more in your fish club lotteries. So rather than letting it all sit in a drawer and eventually having to throw it out, I've decided to see if someone else would like to make use of it. All are at most a little over a year old, and some I've only had for a month or two. All have been opened but only a tiny amount of food has been used from each.

Tetra - BettaMin Tropical Medley - 0.8oz - $1.00
Wardly - Tropical Premium Flakes - 0.8oz - $1.00
Wardly - Reptile Premium Sticks - 2oz - $1.00 (great calcium source for snails)
Marineland - BioBlend Tropical - 2.2oz - $1.00
Marineland - BioBlend Color Enhancing - 2.2oz - $1.00
New Life Spectrum - Small Fish Formula - 10.6oz - $4.00

Prices are 50% of online cost or less. Buyer to pay price of food plus shipping. Prefer USPS. Total weight estimated at 2lbs for everything. Shipping Zip is 52404. PM me if interested.
For anyone that's willing to buy all the food, I'm offering a package price of $6.50 for all the food (25% of online cost) plus shipping. Total should be around $11.50. The 10.6oz container of the New Life Spectrum - Small Fish Formula would cost more than that by itself without shipping.
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