Getting a 240 gallon...stocking?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 22, 2015
I'm saving up to buy a 240 gallon. My only question now is what should I put in it? I'd like to have some kind of eel. Maybe some type of Dragon Eel? Is my tank big enough for a Tessalata Eel? I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks!

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you have a little time for that!
concentrate on getting it set up and cycled first (Rome wasn't built in a day)
you should worry more on lighting and power heads skimmer and other odds and ends
are you planing on a sump
Man, those things get up to 5' long, and a normal 240g is only 8' long.... I don't know about putting him in there, then again, its gonna take a very long time for him to get full grown. I'd say youd be ok with that eel for a few years.
Fimbriated Moray Eel
Marble Shark
Banded Shark
Lion fish
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