Getting shrimp good / bad or stay with fish.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 21, 2017
Northern WI
I have 3 Otto in my 29 gallon tank and 2 in my 10 gallon tank. They aren't able to keep up with the glass algae. Plants look awesome. I was thinking about getting Amano shrimp and nerite snails for for the 29 gallon tank to help with the algae. I have been trying to get the lighting time frame right. I had left for work and accidentally left the lights on for 2 days straight.

I live in northern WI it was 13F today with a low of -9F overnight. Do I even try to order shrimp? If so where do I get them without breaking the bank?

Should I use a magic eraser and scrub the glass?

I can't find Amano shrimp anywhere within 3 hours from me. I am scheduled to go to Milwaukee for work for a week. I was thinking of buying them there and bringing them home. (4 hour car ride) Will they handle the trip with no aeration? Do I buy a battery operated aerator for them on the way home?
Magic erasers are magic :)

Yes, they can be mailed over night, or a couple days, they can go in a car for 4 hours. Insulated bag like for groceries or lunch use a brown sac paper or plastic or anything to make it kinda dark for them to be calmer. Mind their temp: not too close to the heater vent in the car, not left in the freezing car for supper.

Do lots of 40-50% pwc over a couple weeks, keep the lights to a min. or break up photo period/lights on, then a couple hours off and back on to keep the plants happy and the algae irritated. Try dosing Excel for a few weeks as per bottle directions. Its a mess when you leave those lights on for days, I know.
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