Ghost and cherry red shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 17, 2011
Grand Junction, CO
I have found a supplier for cherry red shrimp near where I live. i am wondering if anyone has placed American Glass Shrimp and Red Cherry Shrimp in the same tank? What are some issues, if any, that i may encounter?
I don't know if anyone else has experienced differently, but I have a tank with the two in and all is well. No issues that I've seen.
Thanks. I decided to hold off for a while. I have some ghost fry that made it past the larvae phase. I want to see if I can keep them alive. Lol.
i have them in the same tank and never have a prob with them. i started off with 5 ghost shrimp and still have 5 but i have had 3 die in the last year so i to have a surviver time to time. its kinda neat
The main shrimp people don't want to mix is RCS and CRS, as they are the same species. Someone at some point went through the painstaking process of isolating traits and created the CRS. The RCS traits are dominant, so when they breed, you lose the crystal red traits (or most of them) and go from a medium-medium high value shrimp to something that is fast becoming common.

Ghost shrimp are a different species, and neither are aggressive, so you should be fine.
krap101 said:
The main shrimp people don't want to mix is RCS and CRS, as they are the same species. Someone at some point went through the painstaking process of isolating traits and created the CRS. The RCS traits are dominant, so when they breed, you lose the crystal red traits (or most of them) and go from a medium-medium high value shrimp to something that is fast becoming common.

Ghost shrimp are a different species, and neither are aggressive, so you should be fine.

Idk where you heard that crs and rcs are the same but it's not true, red cherry shrimp are neocaridina heteropoda while crystal reds are a caridina sp. species, related but not closely, and definitely not the same species.
My bad, I was mixing up the whole rcs like harder higher pH and crs like softer lower pH, so they aren't usually kept together with the "don't keep rcs with yellow shrimp because you will lose the red"... thing... Thanks for clarification. Apparently
They can be in the same tank I'm pretty sure both are relatively non aggressive and while they look similar not related
I've had CRS/CBS mixed with RCS in a heavily planted tank for at least a year or so and they work out fine. One thing to keep in mind though is that the RCS will outcompete the CRS, so you may have to thin the herd a bit to let the crs keep up.

And always adjust water params for the CRS, RCS can live in pretty much anything.
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