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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 18, 2019
Hi Everyone! My name is Anna Marie and I’m from Parma, Oh, a suburb of Cleveland. I am in the process of restarting a 30-gallon aquarium with goldfish. I totally dismantled my old aquarium about a year ago. I just bought a new tank and am in the process of getting a new stand. I’m glad there is a place to go for advice rather than a chain pet store. I look forward to getting a member.
Welcome - same thought, fancy goldfish here get really big and need space to turn around / not jag that tail on something.
I think anything more than two once full grown will put a heavy bioload on your tank. Then you are looking at sick fish or having to change out water constantly to maintain water quality.
Thanks for the info. I was at one of the chain pet stores and the clerk told me 3 would be fine. I think the info you all are giving me is sound. I'll just get 2. I'm glad I found all of you.
The problem with pet store clerks is they generally have limited knowledge about fish keeping and they are trying to sell product over doing what's right. I frequent my local box store to check out fish and buy frozen food and I constantly catch conversations of employees giving people with no experience bad advice. I need to find out if they work on commission.

What are you using for filtration?
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