glut / excel and Marino mossballs

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 14, 2012
Central Florida
I am considering getting a couple marimo mossballs. One for my shrimp tank and one for my planted tank. I know finally right but there's a problem. I use excel in my shrimp tank and am making the switch from diy co2 to glut in my other tank soon or at least use it as a suppliment. Well if I was informed correctly marimo moss balls are algae right? Glut like co2 fights algae right? So is there a problem with having moss balls in a tank while dosing glout diluted to excel strength at the ratio of 1ml/10g? I would really like a moss ball bit am not going to waste the money on one if my tanks fert regimen is just going to kill it.

Thank You.
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Aren't Marino moss balls moss?? Anyway, I dose glut at almost 1.5ml/gallon and mine do fine, I would think yours will do fine as well
I'm not sure exactly that's why I'm asking. And you dose that much? Or did u mean 1.5ml/10g

Haha whoops yes definitely meant per 10 gallons.
So I just did a quick google search and most people on all the forums believe it to be a type of algae, still mine have done great in my tanks, I've switched them around a time or two
Ok cool cause I'm about to order 2 from someone on here. And they do good in all types of light correct. My shrimp tank is lit by a t5no aqueon strip from about 12-15" away (i have it hanging off my 55 over my 10) and my other tank is med lighting. Thanks for help btw. I think imma go-ahead a place the order.
Also they were taken apart for guppy fry. They were tied back into a ball with fishing line about a bonth ago do you think that's long enough for them to come back together or should I wait awhile after I receive them to un-tie them?
So far so good and I dose double glut in the tank there in. There not growing at all but there not dying either.
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