Golden chinese algae eater

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 15, 2011
Stagecoach, NV
I have 2 gold chinese algae eater in my 29g with 3 corys, 3 dwarf gouramis 4 black skirts,4 bloodfins, and 4 bleeding hearts. Now I'm worried that the gold algae eaters are eventually going to harm the rest of my fish. So far they haven't seemed to bother anybody, just chase off the corys sometimes. They are cleaning constantly and are cute, but I sure don't want them tearing up or killing my other fish. They are about 1" long.:fish1::fish1:
As they get mature they get aggressive and they eat less and less algae. They are known to eat the slime coat off other fish as well. Id say get rid of them soon and save yourself the trouble later. If you are looking for an alternative Siamese algae eaters, otos, or pit bull plecos are much more peaceful fish and better algae eaters. They are all smaller species thats are well suited for smaller community tanks
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