Goldfish with Popeye

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 28, 2012
My Goldfish has had both his eyes bulging abnormally for quite a few months now.
He's in a 10 gallon tank (Too small, I know. But I'm doing water changes everyday until I can get a 20 or 30 gallon tank.)
I treated him with Maracyn-Two in June, then Maracyn-one in July. I didn't change the water during the treatment period, so I wouldn't be taking any of the medicine out of the water. The ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, etc... was all stable during the no-water-changes.
His eyes seemed to have gotten a little better (mostly in his left eye), but now they seem to have gone back to being more bulged out again.

I'm pretty sure HOW he got this popeye was caused by poor water quality and/or overfeeding. (Used to never change the water and fed him way too much, before someone told me a Goldfish's stomach is about as big as its eye... )

I heard that Epsom Salt helps with Dropsy by helping get rid of fluid build up in the body, so maybe it'll help "drain" (ew) the possible fluid behind his eye?
I've also heard that someone people's fish had DIED when Epsom Salt was put in their water, and I definitely don't want to kill him by trying to treat him. :( (I love him too much... ; A ; )
Also thinking of trying Maracyn-Plus if Epsom Salt isn't recommended.

Also, is it possible for his eyes to recede back into his head after having had popeye to how a healthy Goldfish's eyes are?
Hi! I would give the maracyn plus a try. If it proves ineffective, order some gentamycin online or seek the aid of an aquatic vet for baytril injections. Epsom salts will not kill a goldfish unless you overdosed them and you can use them in conjunction with the antibiotic. You can either add 1 level tablespoon per 10g in his tank or do an epsom salt bath seperate (1tsp/g) from his tank. If you need help with doing a bath, just ask! If you add it to his tank, just make sure you only add back the salt you remove- ie, 50%wc, add back 1/2 original dose. Please ask if you have any questions!
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