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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 6, 2012
My goldfish have started staying at bottom of tank and eldest was just having a mad 5 minuets swimming on its side etc any ideas?
The older one could have an issue with his Swim Bladder. This is very common in Goldfish inparticular. Will he eat?
How new is the tank? What size? Is it cycled? When was the last time you did a water change? Have you tested ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?
Had the tank up and running for 3 weeks, around 70 litres, no water test equipment but going to get a kit last did a water change last sunday
How many goldfish are in the tank? What type of goldfish are they? 70l is only @18gallons. Fancies need atleast 20g for one fish, another 10gal (minimum) for each fish after. Commons, comets & shubunkins are pond fish & realistically do not belong in an aquarium setting. You need to get a proper test kit ASAP. At 3wks, your tank is not cycled yet & your fish are likely suffering ammonia & nitrite poisoning. Do a 50-70% water change immediately with temperature-matched, properly conditioned water. Wait an hour, then do another 50-70% water change with temperature-matched, properly conditioned water. COntinue to do big water changes every day until you get a proper test kit. The API feshwater master test kit is the most recommended.

I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?!
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