Good Pond Plant Substrate-Urgent!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 9, 2011
New York
So I recieved a bunch of anacharis and hornwort for my new pond. I've got the pots and everything ready but then I realized that I haven't a clue what substrate to use in the pots! :eek: I've heard you need special substrate but i don't think my LFS sells any and it's really urgent because currently the plants are just sitting in a tub of pond water while I figure this out and I need to get them planted ASAP. Any suggestions on some quick substrate? Can I just use regular aquarium gravel and just use root tabs or liquid fertilizer or is it undoable? Thank you!
Home Depot and Lowes sells aquatic plant substrate out by their pond stuff. You can also use miracle gro organic potting soil, but it is slightly messier.
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