good surface cover plant?

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hippy guy

Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 17, 2011
Lexvegas Kentucky
So I've been cleaning, and did some rearranging, and all my blyxia floated to the top, but on the side where the filter outlet is blocked, I have another filter that isn't. It keept the plants floating there, and I've gone to work and am not worrying about them atm, but I thought it looked really cool having a bunch of stuff floating on that side, and my betta really liked it.
I assume the blyxia isn't supposed to grow this way, so what would you guys reccomend. I have some willow moss, when it grows out, would that work?
I like dwarf water lettuce, Brazilian pennywort, and Salvinia for floating plants. A lot of stem plants like anacharis, hornwort, and rotala will grow floating as well. It just kind of depends on what you like.
My favorite is water lettuce, it gets big and has long roots but it is much easier to remove than duckweed. There are a few others, red root floaters, frogbit, just to name a few. Most stem type plants will work floating as well.
Also wanted to note that I thought that I had dwarf water lettuce but honestly I'm beginning to think that there is only one species. Indoors it stays relatively small, but outside in my pond and containers it has gotten huge, some baseball size in a few months. The ones inside are still quarter size or so, and they all came from the same place.
I might have to check out the water lettuce, I like how it looks, and I can most likley keep it goin lol. For now though, my betta really likes the blyxia he was all up in ir, and even chasing the amanos away (I don't think he even sees the cherries lol)
Also wanted to note that I thought that I had dwarf water lettuce but honestly I'm beginning to think that there is only one species. Indoors it stays relatively small, but outside in my pond and containers it has gotten huge, some baseball size in a few months. The ones inside are still quarter size or so, and they all came from the same place.

Interesting! It was sold to me as dwarf water lettuce. I think we put it outside in the pond last year and it didn't get big at all. But I have heard that it is all the same too.
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