Gravel and decor chemistry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 17, 2016
Although I am on my toes to keep the ammonia at bay after my recent episodes of spikes in both my tanks. Now I'm testing anything that enters my tanks. My question tomy seasond enthusiasts is: how long should I let a test sample in a container sit before testing? I was testing and getting the third level on the chart (green unsafe color). Which I obviously decided to keep rinsing and even used some boiling water. Both tanks are completely in the yellow and I'm trying to be responsible with every detail. Both tanks are a bit bare. Minimum gravel in one and none in the other. Suffice to say this is going to be a huge chore. The fish are thriving and in 5 minutes nearly eat every scrap. I remove all uneaten food. With less decor/gravel it certainly is easier. THank you for any wisdom you may share. :)

36 gallon breeder- 4 male guppies &
10 WC minnows (2 filters and 2x100w heaters ,2air bubblers)

20 gallon long- 3 female guppie & 1 male guppie (100w heater with 30g filter unit, 2 bubble units)

Both tanks are 74-76° our weather has been cooler at night.
If I'm reading correctly than in theory you could easily let the water sample sit for 24 hrs for the ammonia test as it doesn't evaporate. From memory on bore water tests the lab said to bring the sample in within the day, but that might have been for ph.

You could test and see (and post tests :))
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Thanks for the reply; however I became frustrated and impetuous after I encountered the ammonia levels high by doing this method. So instead I took minimal amounts of substrate and rinsed it over and over trying to blot dry the portions. I tested the tank water to be sure I was at .01ppm or perfect by the nakid eye. I then added a segment of rock and or a plastic plant, waited a few hours and checked - no spikes. Then repeated all these steps. Including tbh obssesively testing the water. Happy to say about half of everything is in my tanks now with a perfect yellow ammonia & exuberant fish. They are positively happy. I also learned phsychologically they really prefer the substrate in there. It is astonishing to observe these sweeties. I did however liberate my group of minnows to the LFS as a donation. They were not behaving towards my guppies and the guppies were seeming bullied. I found some new guppies to keep my colony thriving. :)
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