Guppy died giving birth

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 3, 2015
Several days ago, I put my pregnant guppy in the smaller fry/cherry shrimp tank because she had squared off. Last night it seemed like she was going to drop the fry any minute. But when I woke up this morning, she had passed away. Why did this happen? Was it because of the fry, or a coincidence?
Also, I don't see any new fry in the tank. Maybe she died because they weren't coming out?
Thank you. I did more research on that, and it was definitely a prolapsed uterus. I feel sorry for all the babies...?
its happened to me multiple times, all of which i have cut open the mother (not pleasant) to try and retrieve babies, only once had i retrieve them alive, they have passed away from old age but there babies live in my 29 gallon right now. it makes me so sad to see all the fry i would have had, the smallest had 13 and the biggest a wooping 68
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