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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 30, 2009
Ok, I have been reading your forums and info for a while now so thank you to everyone who contributes it does help make sure people are safer in their aquatic behavior (ok me!)

I am a beginning aquarist who has had a small 10 gallon tank for 3 years prior to trying a more adventurous step

I do have an issue/problem which I can't seem to figure out a solution to which basically relates to fish dying. I have had my larger tank for ~8 months.
I had started moving from a 10 gallon tank to my 45 gallon when I decided to expand my fish base. I started with moving the 5 guppies (kids loved them and they can be pretty; one female and 4 males) and a chinese algae eater in addition to adding some plants (which came with snails). I waited a week and then added a pleco and ghost shrimp. Aside from one algae bloom things continued to do well. So in a month I added 6 Danios (3 zebra and 3 leopard). Things were good for a long time. The occassional guppy baby would suddenly appear and last for a week or two and of course I cant seem to keep a ghost shrimp alive longer than 3 months... then the trouble

One day the female guppy was dead, She had seemed fine prior and then gone. I removed her and continued my routine treatment of a 10-15% water change every 1-2 weeks (where I add cycle, nutrafin aquaplus and waste control with a s/a salt). The water tests had 0 ammonium and ph was 7.4. I then lost 3 more guppies over the next few weeks which may have been related to the danios chasing them more I'm not sure. I then went and decided to get more fish and something which would utilize the middle of my tank.

I therefore purchased 9 Barbs (4 Tiger, 3 Albino and 2 Moss) as well as ghost shrimp. Then more trouble began, within a week I had lost the last guppy, 2 Moss and one Tiger barb. I took the Barbs back with a water sample (my check was PH 7.5 and ammonium was between 0 and the next value on the chart which I thought was reasonable). They felt the water was ok also. So I got replacements and placed them in the tank. Within a week one of the Moss died again and this time my Danios began dying. Within the last 2 weeks 5 have died. I have continued my same changes, the water values appear fine and the ghost shrimp are still alive...

I'm just not sure what I should do or check. I have never seen any concerning behavior except for 2 of the barbs did point down a bit prior to being found dead the next day. I see no obvious diseases mentioned in the fish disease section and my water testing cannot find a significant problem. I'm at a loss...
ps sorry for wall of text!
I`m going to move this to the FW forums where you`ll get more answers. This is the welcome wagon forum. Welcome to AA
Welcome to AA ;) What kind of test kit are you using? What are the nitrIte and nitrAte readings? Notice any signs of disease like ich (white specks on the fish)? Are the gills swolen or red? Are they breathing rapidly? Do you have plenty of surface agitation or a bubble wand?
Can you do a test for more than just Ammonia? say nitrates and nitrites?
Ok, sorry for delay.... work is keeping me hopping

I have an API Master Kit
I recently checked all the available tests prior to a 10% change
Of note I have 4 Rasboras I forgot to mention also in the tank.
since last post I have lost 2 more barbs (mossy and albino) they appear to be good one day and the next swimming erratically then dead, I see no spots or changes and my "autopsy" really showed no significant problems with their gills (I removed them fairly quickly)

Prior to my water change my pH was 7.4 (between 7.2-7.6 on normal pH test and close to 7.4 on the high pH test)
my ammonium is very nearly 0 (just a shade off and much closer to 0 than the next color of .25)
Nitrate is pretty much 0 (tinge off)
Nitrite is 0

I have wondered whether I need a bubbler as that is not currently in my tank but I do have 3 plants growing well and the filter output heads are on highest power agitating the surface. My shrimp are still alive and my snails are perhaps becoming too prominent but I'm hesitant to place any more fish in this tank at this time... I'll probably do the lettuce treatment for them.

I've tried slightly more food and slightly less food without significant benefit and have kept a relatively steady light cycle (though perhaps more towards 16h light than just 12h due to work hours)

Still confused...
i am still very new at this also but what is the temp of you water? are you using a heater? you may not of got by with out a heater in the 10 gallon but not the 40 do to the larger surface area.
It sounds like you may have gotten some bad stock from the pet store. Don't add anymore fish for a while and keep testing your water parameters.

When you do a water change, the only thing you need to add is water conditioner that detoxifies chlorine and chloramine if you are on a municipal water system.

For now, I would do a 50 percent water change, matching the temperature as closely as possible and keep an eye on your tank. Tiger barbs and guppies aren't really a good mix together. Tigers are nippy and more aggressive.

If your water quality was bad, the ghost shrimp would be the first to go in most cases as they are more sensitive to water quality than your other stock.

Perhaps think about changing where you purchase your fish from as well, and set up a qt to put new fish in for a minimum of 2 weeks before adding them to the main tank.
Thanks for responses,
The unit came with a fluval 205 and I have changed the carbon filter and one biofilter (of the 2 wasn't sure if necessary but did it over 2 months ago) and I usually wash the foam in water that has been treated with the water conditioner once a month.

I have a heater set at 26C which has been stable and I usually try and balance the replacement water to within 1-2C

Blueiz, I was wondering whether it was a bad batch but I was concerned when my danios were being lost (they had been bought months before) and without an indication of illness (to my newbie eyes anyways).

I'm thinking that whatever is occurring is in someoneelses hands... Just trying to do my best for these guys.
I'm gonna go with the hiatus plan and water change and see what happens. Sadly not many choices in my town for fish stores (these were from a larger Pet Store not a LFS)
Thanks for responses,
The unit came with a fluval 205 and I have changed the carbon filter and one biofilter (of the 2 wasn't sure if necessary but did it over 2 months ago) and I usually wash the foam in water that has been treated with the water conditioner once a month.
dont remove the biomedia... whether its the ceramic rings or prefilters, dont ever replace them. all you need to do is once every other pwc or 2 weeks, whichever is every other week, clean the filter, take a bucket and fill with tank water (i just open the valve on the hoses for the filter to fill my bucket) and stick all the media and sponges in it to keep them wet... rinse out the can and clean it with a paper towel.... clean the impeller and cover... fill the can back up about 3/4 full, swish your biomedia around in the bucket to get any loose debris off, stick them back in the can... rinse your sponges out in the bucket ( i just roll mine up and squeeze them a few times under water) then put them back in, fill the can up to about an inch below the top, put the top back on, put the hoses on, open the valve and let it fill on up, then turn the filter back on... if you replace the biomedia or rinse anything in tap water, you get rid of the bacteria that you want and you could be causing a mini cycle
Thanks for idea of using the tank water, seems prudent :)
And I had used the dechlorinated/treated to hopefully prevent any damage... was that not good enough?
Just for follow up, n o further deaths and numbers are stable. Shrimp are still still alive also :)
Adding 3 new danios to give the lone Danio some friends and hope nothing further deteriorates
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