Help on fish food please.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 10, 2014

I have a tank that includes 10 neon tetras, 3 mollies, 1 guppie, 3 clown loches, 5 Minor Serpae tetra and 3 small endlers gyppies. My clown loaches and minor serpae tetras never eat the flake. I have been using Colour enhancing tablets. Them have now ran out and can not fine any more on the internet for the right price. I have found these tablets on ebay but i want to make sure are they safe for the other fish because the other fish do eat the tablet too.



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I hope this helps

For best care, feed the Clown Loach small meals several times throughout the day. Younger Clown Loaches will eat most prepared foods while older ones may be more finicky. Prepared foods such as vegetable flakes or tablets along with meaty supplements such as live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, krill and they love small snails will provide this species with the proper nutrition.

The Minor Serpae Tetra will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia, frozen/live foods such as bloodworms and tubifex, micro pellet food, and a high quality flake food.

I don't know what size tank you have but just as a side note, the clown loaches will grow to 1 foot and require a 100 gallon tank
I have a juwel rio 180 liter. I will move them into the big rena tank when they grow to that size! Ha ha na. And will he other fish like them?



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And is the tablets in the pic ok for the clown loaches and so on?

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I believe so. You cannot have them grow out in that small a tank, it will stunt their growth

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