Help seeking fish to trim plants..

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 29, 2012
looking for good plant eaters

i have a well established dirt planted 50 gla. tank it is like a jungle with green sword,anachris, mirio,myaca,money wart,hornwort ,jungle val plants all growing through the roof. fish are siamese algae eaters,almano and ghost shrimp ..the tank is co2 disolved ,aireated by air stone fine bubbles ,4 32w 6500k lights. ammonia cycled completed months ago,i think i gone through my last algae cycle with well filtered water, dirt decay is under control in the planted areas
..... ph about 7.2-7.8 temp 74-80 hard water with plenty of buffering.... I am looking for peaceful herbivores to keep my plants under control... I am looking for peaceful herbivores to keep my plants under control without destroying them???any suggestions ??
thanks _mike
I can think of anything that wouldn't destroy them! On the other hand, if you trim there is a relatively good market for plant clippings out there. You can give/trade/sell them to other hobbyists and thus reduce the cost of having an aquarium.
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