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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 29, 2005
Havertown, PA

I tried my best but its a lost cause. Hundreds of parents are out buying their kids new fish tanks with 5 fish for $5 or even worse the 10 for $10.

This is not a bad deal if you have plans to increase stock of a tank (though I would QT ANYTHING from one of these stores), but new tanks are in for the typical death cycle.

Oh and for those that are equipped to actually get fish (most of us on here), that are willing to buy from a place like Petco (I don't), here's the circular from their site (sorry its so messy):
Hey, but the $1 a gallon for a tank could bring some families into the fishkeeping hobby for a very cheap buy in. I know if used irresponsibly, it could be bad, but hey for $45-50 bucks you could set up a functioning 20 gallon, and for $100 a 55 gallon with the extras. Kinda cool.....
7Enigma, read your post on the other forum.....Great advice for the people looking at those ads, hopefully everyone wil heed the warning and we won't lose a bunch of fishies needlessly.
7Enigma, read your post on the other forum.....Great advice for the people looking at those ads, hopefully everyone wil heed the warning and we won't lose a bunch of fishies needlessly.

I know it would be bad for business, but I've never understood why these big stores don't just have a 55gallon trash can with 20 of every foam filter insert, with a power head and an air pump with bubble wand. Chuck in some ammonia once a week and you could sell "conditioned" tanks to people and avoid all the needless death.

It actually would probably work to the store's FAVOR because livestock is generally the LEAST profitable thing being sold in the fish department. Meds and water "treatment" chemicals are their best. I just don't get it!
That would be nice, but that would take competent employees. I'm not saying everyone who works at these places is not smart, but it's hard in any company to find good, cheap labor.
I think I'm going to pick myself up a 20 gallon upgrade from my 10 gallon and maybe a QT tank.
The P---o near me is a huge aquatic graveyard. The only thing I ever buy there is aspen bedding and mouse food, but I always check out the aquarium section out of morbid curiosity. THEY would have to pay ME $1 per fish to bring their ich infested livestock into my tanks for treatment!

I am blessed to have three excellent aquarium stores near me. One of them advertises occasionally, and two of them have a mailing list. All three reward frequent customers with unadvertised specials. That's how I got my hatchets and bloodfin tetras for $.99 each.
7Enigma said:
I know it would be bad for business, but I've never understood why these big stores don't just have a 55gallon trash can with 20 of every foam filter insert, with a power head and an air pump with bubble wand. Chuck in some ammonia once a week and you could sell "conditioned" tanks to people and avoid all the needless death. the best idea that's never occurred to me before. It would definitely be a money saver on fish deaths. I agree though most big multi pet stores pay minimum like at petcetera where i work. Out of the 10 of us who run the store theres just me who fully understands cycling and compatibility. When I first got hired the fish section was in complete ruin. I don't even know if this is allowed but I always give ppl filter floss from our sump and a handful of gravel to cycle their tank. I try my best but I find myself alone. I guess its tough cause not that many young people understand what it takes to keep fish. That and if they do theyd rather make more then just bare minimum wage. As for me, I do it cause I love it. We're definitely understaffed but still i can say I've never had a better part time job 8)
Big Ben said:
I don't even know if this is allowed but I always give ppl filter floss from our sump and a handful of gravel to cycle their tank. I try my best but I find myself alone.

You are one of the few to be sure. And rest easy knowing that you are drastically increasing the chances that the fish will survive by giving them seed material.

Big Ben said:
I will def look into trying this idea out at my work.

Awesome! I would love to see this catch on. Heck I've thought of doing it myself and selling it to the local stores. You could sell it like Biospira. Just take the seed material and squish all the bacteria off it, refrigerate it with 1ppm ammonia in the solution, and just have them add dechlor to the tank when they set it up (to detoxify the ammonia in the bottle of bacteria).

Someone make this happen! I want royalties! 8)
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