HI!!! and I THINK I have good news...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 31, 2006
Well today I introduced my male betta into the community tank. At first I was really worried, hence the post earlier today by me. The betta went to the ground and laid there until I opened up the lid(probably thought he was getting food!). Then the swordtail and tetras came around and they pecked at his tail for a second. Then the betta flared at the swordtail! The betta staked out his territory already on one side of the tank. Whenever a tetra or swordtail went near him he flared. After maybe thirty minutes(after my post) he calmed down and swam around the tank. The swordtail looked on but didnt try anything. Whenever the swordtail went near the betta he would dart past.

I checked back throughout the day and the fish seemed alright. I really hope they do well in the tank together. I think maybe the betta was just staking out his territory and wanted to be the leader of the tank.

Well, tomorrow I hope to go get my kuhli loaches!!!

OH!! ALso this is a 20 gallon tank with 8 glowlight tetras and one male swordtail.. I am getting 6 kuhli loaches for it.
That's weird. Make sure you keep a close eye on him. Things can go wrong quick.

My betta acts the same. I have a pot in his tank (all alone in a 10 gal) and he lays in it and only comes to the surface to get air or eat.
alright. I plan to keep an eye on them. So far so good but I'll seee in the morning when I wake up!
mine hides out inside the mouth of a fake skull in my tank. it's pretty cool
I'm glad he's doing well in the community tank. :)

Not too long ago I moved my betta to my 29g community and he loves it. He comes to the front of the tank to greet me and sleeps in the plants at night. He has his little territory too and sometimes chases the Harlequins away from there, but he does no harm.
Mine is doing well today. Although the tetras dont seem as active as before. Hopefully they'll get over it:)
why?? I already purchased them. They are in the quarantine tank. why should I rethink them??
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