hiding loach??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 27, 2006
St Petersburg FL
I have two Botia striata in my 55 gallon tank. They have different stripe patterns so I can tell them apart. One swims around the tank all the time, will come out and "look" at me if I sit in front of the tank. Lately the other one spends all his time (during the day, at least) in a crevice in the driftwood. I haven't seen him out in days, what I can see of him (usually just his nose or tail) looks pale compared to the other loach. Should I worry or is that one just more nocturnal?? has anyone had their loaches show different behaviors like this? I got them to help out with a snail problem, which they did very well at, the hiding loach was out and about then, it's only in the last week or two that he's been hiding, and the snails have been gone much longer than that.
I started with 2 also and 1 hid all the time. I got 2 more hoping it would help, and now I see all 4 at feeding time, but they all hide the rest of the time.

I'm fairly well planted, but not as dense as your's. There are just to many hiding places.
I had three clown loaches in my old 45 gallon tank, and one of them always seemed to hide while the other two were out and about. I’m not sure if that was a bad thing or not, but he was definitely smaller than the others were (all the same size when I got them).

I guess this reply is just saying that I’ve seen it happen, but I’m not sure if it is something to be worried about or not.
From what i know, clown loaches tend to hide during the day, at least my moms always does... at night thats a whole different story... :D
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