High Nitrite between 2-5ppm and Ich

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 28, 2017
North Carolina
I've got a 60 gallon setup with two Marineland 350 biowheel filters running currently, temp 79, gravel sub.

Tank was set up Jan 3rd and I added 6-10 mixed juvenile African Chiclids under 1" , and a royal pleco about 2 week later. Fish were doing great up until about a week ago when I lost one of the smaller weaker yellow Africans.

After closely examining each of the remaining fish, I noticed one or two definitely had ich. This prompted a water test in which everything was great(high range ph 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrates 0) except for nitrites which was off the charts. I just completed my third day of water changes since the test 25% then 50% and another 50% today. Each time I test immediately after and it may have dropped but if so it's still between 2-5ppm.
I may have been over feeding previously but have cut it to once in the last three days and will continue very light feeding until resolved. Also I have dropped in zucchini for about 4 hours for the plecco and I remove leftovers.

Anything else I should do to help the Nitrite level other than continued water changes, and should I treat the ich now or wait until nitrites are down to zero. I'm thinking the ich is a result of the stress related to the Nitrite levels. How often should I change out the filter media during this correction process?

I thought i saw ich on your acei in your other thread. Would i be correct in saying you need to remove all your carbon filtration before medicating your tank?
Theres is ich medication and i believe with that you need to remove all carbon filtration as well as raise the tank temperature a bit within the safe limits of the fish.
I thought i saw ich on your acei in your other thread. Would i be correct in saying you need to remove all your carbon filtration before medicating your tank?
Theres is ich medication and i believe with that you need to remove all carbon filtration as well as raise the tank temperature a bit within the safe limits of the fish.

Yes you are correct. I think the high Nitrite situation caused the stress which led to ich but more than one show signs of it. I'm just stuck trying to do water changes for the high nitrites and treating for ich at same time. I don't have another tank set up yet for treatments, does removing the carbon filters hurt the effort to remove nitrites?
I thought i saw ich on your acei in your other thread. Would i be correct in saying you need to remove all your carbon filtration before medicating your tank?
Theres is ich medication and i believe with that you need to remove all carbon filtration as well as raise the tank temperature a bit within the safe limits of the fish.

Any specific ich medication brand that you have had success with? Or are they all pretty similar?
Carbon does nothing water changes don't do better ,except remove toxins..Not nutrients like ammonia, nitrite.
Rid ich plus [not herbal] is my choice of ich meds due to it having the best two ingredients combined for killing ich. Formulin and M.green.
You need to vacuum and change water according to directions.
The salt will help with the nitrite poisoning otherwise I am all against it for ich.
Carbon does nothing water changes don't do better ,except remove toxins..Not nutrients like ammonia, nitrite.
Rid ich plus [not herbal] is my choice of ich meds due to it having the best two ingredients combined for killing ich. Formulin and M.green.
You need to vacuum and change water according to directions.
The salt will help with the nitrite poisoning otherwise I am all against it for ich.

Thanks I'll post some photos a few days after treatments, I've decided to remove all but my peacock once I get them all healthy enough for exchange. Then once I get tank settled and through cycle I'm going to put in an order for a bunch of females for him and see what happens. I also need to add a bunch more hides and I need to replace gravel sub with sand. I guess keeping the gravel in bags for a few weeks will help transfer bacteria to new sub when I get to that point in a month or so. Thanks for the advice, you guys have been great.
24 hours into my ich treatment of the whole tank and fish are looking way better. I'm starting to see the issues you guys described between African species now. I think the stress from the ich was keeping them from showing their true behavior. The accidentally purchased red jewel that was washed out is now darker and aggressive as are a few of the other lake species that had been inactive. Three more days of the treatment and I'll be cleaning house and returning most to the store for credit. Thanks for all your input, I will certainly reach out for more advice before restocking down the road.
No problem buddy, glad we could help! Good luck!


Latest water test after ich treatment and 50% water change. Nitrites are way down from the over 5ppm last week but should I be seeing nitrates by now? Seems like my cycle is stuck on last stage? What are optimal measurements to know when I've completed cycle? I'm at about 5 weeks in since set up.
The nitrate should not clear no matter what reading?? Nor ammonia??
You need to shake the living daylights out of the reagents before use..
Even if at zero the test should be bright yellow...
The nitrate should not clear no matter what reading?? Nor ammonia??
You need to shake the living daylights out of the reagents before use..
Even if at zero the test should be bright yellow...

I refuse to admit what I was doing wrong but let's just say it involved not following directions on a 1st grade level. Makes me feel a ton better actually. I was losing my mind and at least I was doing the nitrites correctly for my fishes sake. How do these look now as far as where I'm at cycling this bad boy?IMG_1282.JPG
Haha... i saw your previous post and made myself believe that you purposely didnt put formula in those 2... i didnt want to respond and make you feel some sorta way!
Go coralbandit, way to be THAY GUY!!! bahahaha...

Glad you got it all situated
Haha... i saw your previous post and made myself believe that you purposely didnt put formula in those 2... i didnt want to respond and make you feel some sorta way!
Go coralbandit, way to be THAY GUY!!! bahahaha...

Glad you got it all situated

Oh no, raw honesty is always appreciated here, lol. Feel free to be that guy whenever it's warranted. Keeps my ADD in check.
I have the ADHD haha... sucks sometimes!
Then add taking care of my 2 year old girl with it and i get zero of my projects completed hahaha
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