How insure plants/moss are snail free

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 20, 2014
I have set up a 10 gallon tank set up to prep my plants before I move them into the main tank. I will physically wash and clean plants before they go in the 10 and wait a week or so? before moving...

But what else can I do to insure they are snail free before introduction to main tank.

I know this is a much discussed topic but I was not able to find answers using the search

Preparing Aquarium Plants

I have set up a 10 gallon tank set up to prep my plants before I move them into the main tank. I will physically wash and clean plants before they go in the 10 and wait a week or so? before moving...

But what else can I do to insure they are snail free before introduction to main tank.

I know this is a much discussed topic but I was not able to find answers using the search


Hello Me...

I just rinse my plants well in warm tap water and trim the roots a little before I plant them. I don't use chemicals or anything, because I don't want to introduce this kind of substance into my tanks.

Snails in low numbers are a healthy addition to the tank. As long as you don't feed the fish and plants too much, the snail population will stay small.

if you're that worried about it you can do hydrogen peroxide dip you just have to look at how much you have the dilute it

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In order to ensure plants are pest free... One will need the following... 1 pair if tweezers, 1 microscope, 1 pot of very strong coffee and a whole lotsa free time!! Or I've heard if you put your plants in a bucket with a little water and dump a gallon of club soda in there it's like a nuclear co2 blast to the snails..
I know you were kidding but I have a big magnifying glass and a soft toothbrush , I'll add a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide in the wash mix and then rinse them with Club Soda. Then I'll throw them in the quarantine tank with some grow lights and sentence them to two weeks in prison before I set them free in Valhalla.

Well, it may not be Valhalla. I do raise cichlids :lol:
Snails are good, like everything else that's fun, IN MODERATION! A good warm water rinse paying close attention to roots, and tight leaf clusters will rid you of most snails. Always separate new plants if they are rubber banded together before rinsing.
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