I think my molly is ready to deliver.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2014
My Molly stopped eating as much as she would and not swimming around actively. I recently moved her to a tank by herself and water parameters are good. She literally stays still staring in the glass. What do you guys think? Is she ready because she doesn't look boxy(squared off) to me

New and excited hobbyist
Sounds like the molly is sort of stressed from the move and being taken away from the other fish. It's very hard to tell when your molly will be ready to deliver fry. I personally leave my molly in the main tank, once I see a few fry I'll try and put her in a breeder or if that doesn't work out I'll just chatch the fry after the birth (you may loose more fry this way but trust me you will soon have more fry than you know what to do with). I have noticed that my female molly will look rather fat while pregnant but when she is about ready to deliver she will look extra large. It's not an exact science just something I noticed.
She has been the new tank a few days now and was acting rather comfy. All of a sudden she becomes homesick : ( ( My last Molly gave birth to Fry which were eaten by my other fishes (I have guppies mollies platys and peacock eel) all of which seem to fancy a fresh snack every now and then

New and excited hobbyist
How long has she been by herself?
Do you have any sort of plants/decorations that the fry could hide in?
I personally have some floating plants and good plant coverage which helps the fry avoid getting eaten.
Like 4 days now. I just woke up and no fry (false alarm) eating and messing as though there were no tomorrow

New and excited hobbyist
I have had a tank set up for two months now. I have a spunky black Molly. I noticed today it was on the bottom of the tank. It's almost as if it's too heavy to swim around. It goes up abs then sinks down. Not sure what to do and my dog who has been obsessed with the tank sees it on the bottom and whimpers lol. Can you advise?
Is it flashing against objects? What are the water parameters? If everything is normal maybe she is pregnant or just sleeping

New and excited hobbyist
Is it laying down on its side or upright? Can't really tell you much without knowing what your water tests out to be.

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