ID Please

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 13, 2011
Atlanta GA
Anyone have a good I'D on this? Picture isn't the best because just my blues are on at the moment. Is it a Feather Duster? Good or bad? As always, thanks for the help.
Yeah featherduster as far as i know they cause no harm and can be kinda neat. If something goes near it and it dissapears then its a featherduster worm
looks like a feather duster....if you gently touch will disappear back into its home...
mysticeel, was looking at it this afternoon and my Kole Tang swam by it and it was gone in a blink. LOL Think I found another. Can you verify this is also a Feather Duster?
That one is 100% a feather duster. You can tell because it looks like feathers ^^. Make sure you add plankton to your tank.
Well, after I posted that pic, we found another one. There are three for sure and I think there is one on the back side of some rocks that I saw a month ago. Can't tell if it is still there because I now have a background on the tank. What kind of plankton mysticeel? I assume these will stay pretty small correct? I would be great if the grew to be good size but I suspect that isn't going to be the case.
phytoplankton is pretty good, but it all depends on what ya can get from your lfs
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