Ideas for a 20 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 14, 2011
I am trying to convince my mom to let me get a 20 gallon tank, but she wants to know what I could put in it. I have a ten gallon community and a five gallon guppy sorority/fry tank. She says "Well I want to know what fish you would put in it. I want something different"... I want to get a more exotic species of fish for it. I have looked at rams, and they are definitely an option.
I've never kept rams before, but they are beautiful fish. I think you would only be able to keep one ram or two at max in a 20. What other types of fish did you have in mind?
A twenty gallon is enough room for one or two rams IMO. For unique species you could try some small colorful killies, like redtail killifish.
Aces11 said:
I've never kept rams before, but they are beautiful fish. I think you would only be able to keep one ram or two at max in a 20. What other types of fish did you have in mind?

Cardinal or neon tetras, maybe some kind of danio, or ottos
There's been a lot of people here on AA who seem to be having problems with neons but once again I've never had them. I'm sure you could do cardinals though and it seems a lot of AA users keep otos also so they can always help you out with those.
I like tetras. I have red minor and pricillia(spelling may be wrong) tetras. 5each in a 20g. Also have 3 Julii Cory. very active tank.

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