indian red sword help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 3, 2013
alright, so i have an indian red sword in my aquarium and i need some help. its not dying but its not growing.:( it is at a stand still. there are no new leaves. it is staying the same and i would like for it to start growing. it is a really cool plant and if anyone can tell me how to help it along that would be great.
30 gallon tall
dirt substrate capped with gravel
1 t5 HO 24w ultra sun super daylight
1 t5 HO 24w flora sun max plant growth
Sounds like you need to get some root tabs. You have to use them with swords and crypts even in dirted tanks. I have a dirted 220g and I just did my root tabs yesterday. Do you use any type of fert in the water for other plants that aren't root feeders?
You would also see an improvement in growth if you use a liquid carbon such as Excel, API CO2 Booster, or Glutaraldehyde.
Yes they are all basically the same thing. Glutaraldehyde is by the far the cheapest. I get a gallon bottle on line (its call Merticde 14 day solution) for around $20 a gallon mix it with 1-1/2 gallons of RO water and get 2-1/2 gallons for about $27 including shipping. You have to shop around as many places sell it for up to $40. You also have to keep it in total light blocking containers like the Gllut comes in as light breaks the solution down rendering it useless. You also throw the little activator bottle away and never use it or it will kill everything. All you use it the gallon of Glut.
ill consider the glutaraldehyde but i have a lfs that sells seachem excel near me and it is not too expensive. plus i wouldnt have to pay for shipping. if i use the excel can i use an air stone without negating the effect of the excel?
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