Info On Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Please?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 22, 2010
New York, United States
Hi, I have ordered 20 MTSs (Malaysian Trumpet Snails) and I should get them this Tuesday. I was thinking about how goldfish seem to eat anything that they can fit in their mouths. So, I was wondering if these small snails will be in danger? I found a fairly large square jar. I had water in it for a few days, so I figured that most of the chlorine must be gone. I scooped some algae from my fish tank and plopped it in the jar. I put some fish water in the jar, also. Is this okay for them? I have about 4 to 5 days for the algae to start growing, at least. How long do you think it will take for the algae to grow on the sides? Before I put them in the jar, I will add gravel from my fish tank in there. Is this okay as well? Should I but a new, small tank for the snails instead of the jar? I need a lot of info on the Malaysian Trumpet Snail; I have been doing research, But do you have any information on them? I would appreciate any help! Thank you! Oh, should I add fish food into the jar to feed the algae? I read about that. I would appreciate any info on the Malaysian Trumpet Snail and Info on how to grow algae fast. Thanks!
Yeah, last night, I found a jar and scraped algae from my tank and put it in there with water that has been sitting in there, also. Today, I just bought duckweed for my 10g aquarium. I put a little bit of a chemical that takes chlorine out of the water into my jar and put a couple little plants of duckweed into it. I also scooped a teeny bit more algae from my tank (my snail it too efficient on cleaning it...:rolleyes:) into the jar. After that, I added a tiny bit of fish food for the algae to feed on, a 1/16 of a algae wafer in there and put it under a lamp. I hope I get some natural algae going soon, I don't want to feed the algae wafers; I want them to have experience cleaning the glass for when I add them to my 10g with the other snails. lol.
oKay, so I thought I should keep you updated. Here is what the jar has in so far. I feel like a mom lol. Waitin for babies haha. ANYWAYS:
The jar is 8in. high, 6in. across on both sides (It is a square jar with rounded sides.)
Neon gravel (well, you didn't need t know the colors. Whatever)
One 7/16" air stone
home-made lid
Back story later. I'm hungry :microwave: lol
In general, you shouldn't have to worry about losing your MTS. They primarily stay in the substrate during the day and only come out at night. They do reproduce, but as long as you aren't overfeeding, they shouldn't become a problem. I do find it kind of odd that you had to buy them. Most stores around here give them away, and I've seen countless people giving them away for the cost of shipping on here and other forums.
Ummm... Okay... Yeah, I probably should've asked this time, but I didn't because the last time I tried, they didn't have "good" snails for free - so i just bought a mystery snail :ROFLMAO:. And yeah, maybe I should have bought some from someone else, but hey! It was eBay! Haha I love that place. This is my first time getting snails SHIPPED to me though... odd, yep. So, I should get them tomorrow or the next day. Should I keep you updated when they get here? Pics of the jar and my tanks etc... later.
Good luck. MTS are cute and fun. You may eventually want to try an exotic snail like a horned nerite. Snails are pretty easy to take care of so enjoy them!
Yeah, snails are fun and cut but my family doesn't get why I like snails so much. "Sophi, snails are stupid", "Sophi, why do you like snails so much?" "Sophi, MORE SNAILS?!?!?!?"! Haha, but I ignore them. They've never had snails and never took the time to really watch mine, so they don't get how wonderful snails really are. Some people I tell that I have snails to say " Ewww! They're discusting; not to mention really slimy". Nope I have aquarium snails. They don't just hop out of the water and leave a big trail of slime everywhere...
(FYI, I'm eating an orange right now:))
I like my snails too! Sometimes they're my favorite inhabitants.

Here is my horned Nerite, I figured a true snail lover would appreciate it.


It has gotten a lot bigger, but I haven't taken any pictures lately.
Awww... That's so cute! Yes, I do appreciate the picture. How old was it when you took the picture? Some people just don't appreciate snails the way other people do. Most snails aren't pests. They're helpful and great companions, not to mention, super interesting. I watch my snails a lot. I love how their tongue scours the glass. :)
Okay, So, my snails didn't come today- gives me more time for some last minute touch-ups. Any suggestions? My snails are coming tomorrow. Thanks! :)
I found MTS to be quite resilient. My loaches didn't even eat them as their shells are really hard.

Is the mystery snail living with the MTS? Looking forward to some pictures.
I found MTS to be quite resilient. My loaches didn't even eat them as their shells are really hard.

Is the mystery snail living with the MTS? Looking forward to some pictures.
I was thinking of putting the mystery snail in with the MTS when they come, they should be here in a few minutes, as the mail man comes at noon. I am a little worried for them- We had a major snow storm in New York and EVERYWHERE is closed down. I wonder I they'll survive the extreme coldness?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Any way, No, the mystery snail is staying in my 10gal. The MTS's are staying in the jar. I plan on getting a couple more snails to put in the 15 gal.... Yeah, that's about it..... But if the snails don't arrive alive, I don't know what to do because the man I bought it from does no refunds or replacements. :(
Maybe the mail man will be late today, I don't know, but once the snails do come, I will get them set into the jar and update you immediately. Thanks for all the help! I would appreciate it if you guys could help me with the snails as I go along with them. :multi: Yay!
Okay, so now its 1:17 and I've been waiting for the mail for a long couple of hours. Will they ever come alive?!? What will I do? I'm Happy, sad, mad, confused, excited, hungry, stuffed, thirsty, hydrated, and SNAILY. :confused:
OOOHHH! That might be them right now!
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