Iron absorbtion rate crazy high!

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Floyd R Turbo

Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 7, 2009
West Des Moines, Iowa
I just was wondering if, in a planted tank like this:


if I should expect complete iron depletion withing 24 hours of dosage. I am using Flourish Iron (non-chelated) and I dosed with 5mL last night around 7 or 8pm, which brought the level to between 0.2 and 0.3, verified by check solution (which was 0.4). By 5pm it was back to 0. I picked up on this because every time I dose Iron and test a week later or whatever, it's 0, so I ran a little experiement, dose/test/24hr test.

I read that Asian Marshweed sucks up iron, and I have a lot of it and other plants. I haven't put any root tabs down lately, but my plants grow faster than I can sell them on craigslist so I'm not too worried about that, but my swords are suffering due to light blockage and probably lack of nutrients, even though I fert with comprehensive 5mL 2x week, excel 5mL daily, K 10mL 2x week. At least until I run out and switch to dry ferts.
Your Swords are heavy root feeders and could benefit from some root tabs.. Your plants look beautiful...awesome reds! Love it!

I am not sure how accurate the iron tests are but if you are not getting too much algae and your plants are using up the iron that fast you might just bump up your does a touch and see how it goes. :)
Best of luck to you! Someone else might have more info on the iron uptake.
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