ironic - i cleaned my aquaclear 200 - its making MORE noise

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 27, 2005
something very strange happened.

my filter was making a rattling sound - so i cleaned my filter
so i took my filter apart - took the impeller out
removed all the gunk from the motor, impeller etc...

and now the filter is making MORE noise after cleaning.

its been several days - and my filter is still noisy
Hmm maybe you still have bubbles on the impeller and its cavitating?

Mine is noisy at first but quiets down.
Same thing happens to my Penguin HOBs after a cleaning from time to time.
It might be an air bubble trapped above the impeller, or maybe something just isn't seated right. Try taking it apart and reassembling again. Reseating the impeller while the filter is full of water helps prevent bubbles from getting trapped near it.
i took it apart again, and re-assembled it.

its quiet again !!!

i also removed the LID from the filter.
for some reason, the filter is MORE quiet with the lid OFF/removed.
is it ok if I removed the filter lid ??
my guess, you had a very tiny grain of sand/chip of gravel down in the impeller area, possibly on that little rod that the impeller slides down on.
As you filter ages, there will be wear (often somewhat uneven) on the impeller shaft....and this can also cause noise...if you observe any significant uneven wear on the shaft, it is cheap and easy to purchase and install a replacement shaft, and it is often all that is needed to rejuvenate an older filter.
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