is any kind of invert safe with a trigger

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 8, 2006
Las Vegas
BF HAD to get a niger trigger for our tank. So far everything is good. He hasn't aquascaped anything or killed anyone just yet...but he is a baby.

My brittlestarfish mostly hide all day all no snails dead yet.

Are there other inverts that may be safe?
In short, no. Snails and stars are about the limit. Any ornamental shrimp or crabs will be tasty snacks.
When my tank matures can I get an anemone for my clown? It will sting trigger if he gets too close right?
I'd be worried about the trigger nipping the anemone. Triggers are not invert safe. That would include corals and anemones.
That`s why you and your BF need to consult each other and make a educated choice so you dont make a compulsive buy. 2 heads are better than one
Niger triggers are one of the more placid triggers when small and may or may not bother an anemone but to me, it's not worth the risk. You can have either a predator/fish only tank, or a reef tank. Trying to go both ways is tricky and is gonna end up costing you way more than it's worth. Like melosu58 said, you need to decide what you want and go from there.

My Royal Gramma is dead and trigger is eating it, along with the damsels. Marroon clownfish has frayed fins. Im assuming he has been nipped at. What do you think?

I am pissed because this is MY tank! I do the cleaning, the buying, the hours of research online, etc etc. My BF acted like a little kid last week and said.."I don't get any fish in the tank" (in a whiny kid voice) He also says I dont have to do PWC, rinse out the filter etc.

So I got him that darn trigger to shut him up! Now it is killing things. I am taking him back to the LFS tomorrow. When I first got the tank I made it clear that there were to be no aggressive fish. Damn!
Did you actually *see* the trigger kill or attack anything? I have a niger trigger and it is a very docile fish. It is in with clown and a wrasse. I would believe the angels more responsible then the niger.
I am doing ALLLLLLLL the research! BF has no clue about anything. I did research on the triggers and how they were the most docile. I decided not to have an aggressive tank. But when BF looked at me with puppy dog eyes in the store and wanted a trigger. I fell for it!

No, I didnt see him kill it with my own eyes. That is why I dont know who to blame. Maybe the royal gramma just died on his own. (clown does has frayed fins..not discolored or anything so Im assuming it wasnt a disease or fin rot)

I just posted about this so please read and respond there.

Water under the bridge now. Both of you promise each other that you will not make a compulsive buy but a educated choice based on your plan for your tank and plenty of research. It can be done. Good Luck

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