is this ich or something else?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 13, 2005
california's bay area
i've got a juvenile emperor that has had some spots on the fins and body for a while. he eats and behaves normal, in fact he is a strong fish. one of the spots on the body- chin- has grown and looks like an open wound or a hole so to speak. a couple of my other fish have developed what looks like ich (small white spots but no holes) and i have started using "no-ich marine". my tank has about 100lbs of lr so removing the fish is a pain, although the emperor does let me take him out by hand as i've done before to do fresh water dips.

can anybody tell me what the open wound is? is it ich or something else?

Hard to tell what the wound is without seeing it, if possible post a pic of the whole fish. It may be a secondary infection from parasitic activity in which case an antibiotic may be needed but you will need a QT.

FWIW, FW dips are useless, especially if placing the fish back into an infested tank. You won't accomplish anything except further stressing an already ailing fish. You should also never handle a fish with your bare hands. It damages the slime coat making it susceptible to more problems. Use rubber gloves or better still a plastic container to corral it into.

As far as the no ick product goes, I wish you luck. More commonly it doesn't work or at the very least not permanantly.

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