Loach or catfish for SA cichlids?

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I read they do eat eggs! (tell me if I'm wrong!)
Is there any kind of larger catfish or bottom feeder that won't eat any cichlid eggs?
Fish4bass8 said:
I read they do eat eggs! (tell me if I'm wrong!)
Is there any kind of larger catfish or bottom feeder that won't eat any cichlid eggs?

Most things will eat eggs. Its a nice snack..if they can get them. Many chichlids are mouthbrooders anyways
I hav a tiger loach with my oscars. He's the real active buddy in the tank. Love the color and help to clean my tank bottom.
Theyre small right now avg 2in but I have
3 convicts (almost breeding)
3 firemouth (almost breeding)
1 jack Dempsey ( smallest fish in the tank!!)
11 tiger barbs
3 ABN plecos (starting to get bristles!!)
6 mollies( food that survived!!:))
Malawi Freak said:
I love my dwarf loaches. They always dance around the tank together and no one seems to care about them since they are small. Your fish may try make a meal of them at adult size.

Could you show me a pic of your dwarf loaches?
Pictus catfish, fast, active, get 5 or so and watch the ensuing mayhem. They are good cleaners with lots of personallity. They will eat eggs as will everything else in your tank.

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