Looking for Armageddon and nice Zoa/Palys

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 29, 2008
Lowell, MA
I'm looking to buy or trade for some Armageddon Palys. Also some nice zoas/palys as well if you have them. Thanks.
A Palyothoa whose name is well known around the Zoa Community. This brightly colored strain is characterized by its shocking orange rings around the mouth and edge of the oral disc. In some strains these two orange areas are divided by a brown ring. Another distinctive characteristic is the white mouth. There is a lot of information provided about this color strain on zoaid, including an amazing morph that occured when a strain was traded to another reefer.Armageddon zoas can handle a medium to high height under PC lights, but should be started low (or shaded) under PC lights. Like with most zoas Armageddons will display and grow differently with higher light.Armageddons like a medium flow tank. Meaning that they would rather have their skirts moving in the flow then not. This is pretty standard for most zoas so make sure your flow doesn't cause them to close, which would be too high of a flow.

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