Looking to start a planned tank.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 27, 2013
I have a 29 gallon tank, I have had it running for about 4 months. I went sand instead of rocks and I love the look of it. My girlfriend is wanting to add more color, like reds, purples, blues and all that jazz. I don't like the look of fake plants and im wondering if there are any real plants to provide the color she wants and me still be able to keep a natural tank. My local fish shop said he can order whatever plant I want, just bring him the names because the place he orders is just a list of names and doesn't provide pictures.

Also I cannot keep a pictus catfish in my tank. My 3rd one just died tonight. They act completely normal and just like a flip of a switch they are gone. One did get his whisker stuck in the filter but the last 2 havent lasted over 2 weeks. Not having a problem with any other fish though.

There are quite a few reds and some near purples but they usually require a pretty robust lighting system or else they just turn green or die. What do you have for light in your tank?
Litterally just got an LED light bar from a friend tonight. It simulates sun light and has night time mode. Are you saying reds will turn green also? Also I can go back to my fluorescent light with my plant bulb in it?
Yep, red plants can be difficult to keep red. Both a strong light and proper fertilization are required for most of them. What brand is the LED light bar you got?
Im not exactly sure? Doesnt have a name on it. He bought it either at petco or our local fish shop here in town. All are white LEDs except for 4 of them its only 16" long. Im not sure if thats too small for my tank? Its 30" wide. Surely the light it puts off would be better than my flourescent?


It's hard to tell without more information on the light. If those are 3w LEDs then it could be high light or if they are 1w LEDs which is more likely then it's not going to be very high.
He said they were 3 watt leds, (without me giving him options of what they could be) its an $85 light which I know is cheap compared to the name brand ones I have looked at for the 90 gallon I purchased. Just waiting to move to a more permanent house before I set it up.
If you do get red plants be sure to add flourish iron, along with frourish excell... these will help with your growth and help keep algae down
Iron will only do so much it's all about the lighting like Mebbid said. It's also hard to see what they are since it's such a tiny pic. I have quad T5HOs that bring me up to highlight and it makes my reds just glow. But in the shaded spots my plants tend to run yellow to green. Here are some really nice colored plants.
Limnophila hippuroides (Limnophila aromatica 'hippuroides')
Telanthera Rosefolia (Alternanthera reineckii)
My telanthera is much redder than in their pic. Mine actually has a bright magenta on the underside of the leaf. Take a look at the pictures on this post by Tom Barr it just makes me drool!
Hop damn, I guess it is Rotala "mini butterfly" I'm growing after all - Aquarium Plants
Well I ordered a 24 inch light bar from my local aquarium store today. It come with a remote and head unit that I can control how bright it is, put it in "cloud" mode, set the timer to make it fade from daylight to dark and so on. Was looking at ebay kits but im pretty good friends with the owner and he cut me a pretty good deal. Cant remember the brand name but its costing me 130 and its a salt water LED setup. Could have went with a fresh water setup for about 50 dollars cheaper but it wouldnt have brought out as many colors.
For a planted you should have just gotten the one for a planted. The spectrum in the salt set up isn't right for plants and it has too much blue and none of the reds the plants need. So while you fish may look great your plants may struggle. Home
Hmm well the order hasnt been placed yet. Wont be placed until monday. Both setups claim to be for plant growth also. Im new so I dont know but my guess was the more colors such as the salt water bar would be more beneficial then the fresh water with its "white&blue" once again that was just my guess.
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