Lots of Cichlids for sale / Moving to Washington

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 12, 2005
Olympia, Washington
I will be moving across country soon and it is just unfair to my fish to attempt moving them with us. The wife and I are sad that we have to let them go, but we both think that it will be in their best interest to find new homes.

Cyphotilapia Frontosa (Halembe) “Neon Blue” 1 Medium Male, 1 Medium Female $40.00 pair
Neolamprologus Pulcher "Daffodil" 6 Juvenile - $5.00 group
Lamprologus Multifasciatus “Multies” 70 or so with shells - $30.00 colony
Neolamprologus Cylindricus 1 Male Adult - $5.00
Julidochromis Marlieri (Gombe) 1 Male Adult - $5.00
Tropheus sp. Red (Chimba) 2 Male 1 Female Medium - $15.00 group
Cyprichromis sp. Leptosoma Jumbo "Purple Frost" (Azuri) 1 Young - $5.00
Altolamprologus Calvus "Inkfin” 1 F1 Unsexed Young - $10.00
Altolamprologus Calvus (Chaitika) “White” 1 FO Female Adult - $20.00
Altolamprologus Calvus (Chaitika) “White” 1 F1 Male 2 Female - $30.00 group
Altolamprologus Compressiceps (Mwela) “Bright Orange” 2 Unsexed Young - $20.00 pair
Altolamprologus Compressiceps (Tanzania) "Red Fin" 1 Unsexed Medium - $10.00
Neolamprologus Leleupi (Orange) Breeding Pair Adult - $20.00 pair
Neolamprologus Tretocephalus 1 Male 1 Female Medium Adult $20.00 pair
Neolamprologus Cygnus F1 Breeding Pair $30.00 pair
Neolamprologus Cygnus 4 F2 Juvenile $20.00 group
Labidochromis Caeruleus 2 Male Adult $15.00 both
Aulonocara Stuartgranti (I’ve been told that they are, but unsure) “Rubescens" Breeding Pair Adult $20.00 pair
Chalinochromis sp. "Ndobhoi" Breeding Pair in the 4 adults, 2 Juveniles $30.00 group
Synodontis eupterus "Lace Cat" 1 adult $5.00
Julidochromis Regani (Karilani Is.) Medium Pair $20.00 pair
Sorry for the long delay in replying. The internet has been off for a few.

I have never shipped fish before. I know that people do it all the time, but I am just not confident enough to try it. So no, I am not willing to ship. Sorry.

If you are interested in seeing them though, PM me and we can arrange something. Or if you need some more pics that are not on my www, I can take some more for you.
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