Lps plate coral flesh disapearing

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
I have a plate coral whos flesh is da maged. I dont see anything in the tank that could be irritating it last night it was a small portion on the corner and this morning about 1/4 of the flesh is gone. It seems to be dieing off little by little. Its skeleton is exposed now now up to the mouth. What causes this...the rest is fully extended stil.
Here is a photo of what it looked like this morning with lights off..and one of what it use to look like couple days ago..this happened over 2 days


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For what it's worth, every plate i've ever had has done great until one day it starts doing that. I've yet to find a reason for it. Other may have better knowledge but that's happened with every single fungia i've had.

You could try an iodine dip in case it's something treatable.
Ops didn't see this part. filled out Most of it. thanks.. So what has happened to yours after doing this..do they just die?

1. Have had it only about 2 weeks
2. using 4bulb t5. about 2 month old bulbs
3. Nitrate is undetected
4. Calcium is 420
5. Phosphate is hard to tell whether its 0 or .25
6. Alkalinity is 9
7. pH is 8.3
8. Salinity is 1.025
9. Temperature 79
10. Using Liquid test kits
11. Location in tank its on bottom sand bed
12. Current amount of flow is getting looks okay not a lot amd doesn't look too little:
13. Current tank dosing regimen not dosing anything.
Any more thoughts/solutions on this issue?
I have the same problem currently with my plate coral.
What kind of fish are in the tank? I had a problem yrs ago with some dwarf angels nipping on mine.
Nothing worked for mine. Mine died so I now have the skeleton in my room as decoration. I left it in my tank before it completely died but that just made my water cloudy and stinky and other corals weren't too happy either. Hopefully u have better luck.
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