Male betta with... white clouds? Something else small?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 1, 2006
Dirty Jersey
I'm setting up a 10 gallon planted tank which will have a male betta as the centerpiece fish. I'd like to put 4 or 5 very small fish with him, along with a couple shrimp. Would white clouds be good tank mates for a betta? Any other suggestions?
My only concern with the white clouds is that they are cold water fish.

How about some harlequin rasboras? My betta did fine with a school of those for a long time. My glowlight tetras have always been really peaceful too, no fin nipping. Green fire tetras would do well also, or maybe even some rummynose.

Your shrimp may become snacks for the betta. Mine ate 4 or 5 amanos through the course of his life, lol.
I have never had bettas with any other fish, but I do agree that the white clouds would not be a good choice. The white clouds' preferred water temperature is much cooler than the betta can tolerate.

I had ghost shrimp in with my bettas once. The bettas didn't eat the shrimp, but they were so curious about the shrimp and wouldn't leave them alone. I think the bettas hounded the shrimp to death.
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