Male swordtail suddenly appears very sick

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2013
Hello, I've been lurking for a while for general knowledge but I'm pretty new here. I'm hoping to get some advice, especially after googling my fishs symptoms.
Background- we started our 10 gallon tank on July 4, 2013. Got 3 swordtails a few days later- 2 females and 1 male. We were hoping to add some kind of algae eater but every time we've gone back and gotten the water tested our ammonia was too high. To combat the high ammonia, our fish guy gave me a live bacteria to add at water changes. I typically change 25% a week, if it goes til a week and a half ill do 40-50%. Along with the water conditioner I've also added a small amount of aquarium salt.
About 2 weeks ago I noticed a brown fungus. Changed the water. A few days ago I noticed it was progressing so I changed about 50% water! wiped the inside glass, and took out and rinsed off the fake plants and decorations.
It's when I went to this this last change I noticed the big difference to my fish. My male seems smaller, spine bent, a little trouble moving, and almost like he's having vision trouble. My 2 females on the other hand seem just fine, maybe even bigger and faster.
Tonight I made sure Johnny (the male) got some food. Usually I just feed them because they get excited and I'm not worried one of the might not be eating.
Can anyone give me some advice. Or thoughts? I'm pretty worried and if he's old or sick I don't know how to handle it. I've been trying so hard to get this tank right and keep my fish happy
Hello Melanie,

First thing I can suggest is to get a liquid test kit if you are able to. Reason being is most fish stores (like petco and petsmart) use the test strips that are unreliable.

I think the brown stuff you were seeing wasn't fungus but algae. I currently have what you are describing in my 15 gallon tank.

A 10 gallon is actually a little too small for swordtails. They can get up to 4-5 inches. I have three (male and two females) in my 15 gallon tank currently and even that is too small (I didn't make the decision to get the fish my boyfriend did). I’m in the process of re-homing them to a 29 gallon once it is cycled and the goldfish that came with the tank are re-homed.

Only other time I've seen a male swordtail with its spine bent was one I had as a kid. He was born that way and had some issues swimming.

I would do more than one water change a week. Maybe small changes every other day or at least twice a week until the tank is cycle. If you haven't already. Please read about tank cycling. It can save a lot of head ache down the line, trust me.
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