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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2012
Grafton, Ohio
Hey, I was wondering what everybody's thoughts on melafix were. Petsmart was having a dollar sale on otos, so I bought six of them. So far I really like them. I love the way they swim, and they are already eating a lot of algae off my plants, but I digress. When I was looking at them at the store, I was very excited, and missed that I think one of them might have a little fin rot. It isn't bad, but I want to treat it before it gets bad or spreads. After reading about melafix, it seems as though it might be a good option since it is a more natural cure. Any thoughts?
Hey, I was wondering what everybody's thoughts on melafix were. Petsmart was having a dollar sale on otos, so I bought six of them. So far I really like them. I love the way they swim, and they are already eating a lot of algae off my plants, but I digress. When I was looking at them at the store, I was very excited, and missed that I think one of them might have a little fin rot. It isn't bad, but I want to treat it before it gets bad or spreads. After reading about melafix, it seems as though it might be a good option since it is a more natural cure. Any thoughts?

It might help with stress, but it's not really a "good" treatment. For fin rot, usually clean water for a while will fix it. Sometimes it's a bacterial thing, but a lot of the time, it's just poor water.
Well they are in clean water. They don't look stressed. They seem to be perfectly happy, but I would like to treat it so the fin will grow back.

btw I'm jealous of you having Trilby's in your back yard. What a great lfs huh? Nothing like that around here. I thought about driving 2hrs. out there to get the otos, but I thought that might be kinda crazy.
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