Mud puppy

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2011
Coral Springs, Florida
I saved a so called mud puppy from a tank full of red devils. He was also in a system that had copper. I didn't think he was going to make it, but I stayed up all night putting pedialite in his/her water. I'd like to think that the little guy is doing all right now. I'm looking for any suggestions from anyone that has had experience with these guys. What they eat and anything else, any information will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Well, mud puppies are simply immature salamanders, so the first question is what type of salamander are we talking about? Given your location, I would guess perhaps a tiger salamander to be the most likely canadite. I would recommend trying to feed it some small live meal worms or small chunks of cut-up earthworms.
If it is still aquatic its diet will be very different. I feed my axolotls pellets, others feed different types of pellets, chopped earthworms, and other meaty foods.

I don't think Pedialite will do anything except pollute the water.

You need to determine what species you have. Any pics? Not all will become terrestrial. It is possible that you have one that will stay aquatic its whole life.

Does it look like either of these? (Perhaps much smaller.)

This is what he looks like. And now he is jamming himself into an opening in my filter.


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Looks like a tiger salamander in transition. Hard to tell since the short gills could be from the fish nipping. Good save.
The Lfs where I work at put them in with about 40 red devils. These poor guys were food in no time. I tried feeding him blackworms and shrimp. He won't eat feeders either. I don't want him to starve. And today he has started acting wired. Getting into my filter and getting himself all banged up. His skin is also coming off in pieces, and he floats at the top of the tank. He always stayed at the bottom, and now he can't seem to stop floating he tries to swim down but floats right back up. Any opinions?
It may be too late, too much damage already done. The best thing you can do is keep the water quality up and keep trying to feed him.
I figured out that he will only eat if I take him out of the tank and hand feed him. How often do you think I should feed him?
They normally eat about a quarter of their weight a day. Try putting it in a ten gallon with a few inches of soil or moist coconut fiber on the bottom and a shallow water dish about 1-2'' deep so it can get in and out easily. Crickets may also grab his interest, the Tigers I have chase down and devour them, sometimes popping out of the water dish like a crocodile and snatching them. Redworms and nightcrawlers are best(they don't need dusting) and every once in a while they will gladly come out of their burrow to grab a Rosie out of the water dish.

This is one of mine 4 months after morphing

Oh and amphibians shed too it's called sloughing thats probably what your seeing with the skin, the little guy looks to be in great shape.
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