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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 10, 2019
My hairy mushrooms are growing on glass sides of aquarium. How do I remove shrooms from glass? Thanks
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My hairy mushrooms are growing on glass sides os aquarium. How do I remove shrooms from glass? Thanks

Usually they move to where the water flow and lighting is best for them so I'm not sure you really want to move them. :whistle: But if you insist, I use a single edge razor blade and you want to press it against the glass to get it between the glass and the foot of the mushroom while you slide it across the foot. The issue becomes tho that if you cut the foot, the mushroom will probably not survive. ( We do the same for anemones as well. )

Hope this helps. (y)
In my tank I’ve got a zillion of them growing everywhere ,… as Andy said they’ll usually find a spot that they enjoy by themselves ,…in my tank I just let them do what they want to do,it adds to the more natural feel.
In my tank I’ve got a zillion of them growing everywhere ,… as Andy said they’ll usually find a spot that they enjoy by themselves ,…in my tank I just let them do what they want to do,it adds to the more natural feel.

I agree. It's also a good visual clue of where in the tank things like water flow and lighting are best for a specie. In a recent visit to a store in SW Florida, I watched a store sell a display tank because the people who bought it really loved the way the xenia and green star polyp had covered the sides and back of the tank. It no longer looked like an aquarium with corals in it but a real piece of the ocean. (y) (y)
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