My fish have ich :(

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 16, 2011
United Kingdom
Haven't had this happen in years now, I've had stable tanks for at least 2 years but recently, I got given a 60 gallon tank, a massive upgrade to my 15 gallon.

In haste to set it up, because of room constants, I didn't cycle the tank (honestly, I barely even knew anything about cycling until this site) but I took all the water from the 15 gallon and put it into the 60.

All my fish were doing fine until I got some new fish, from a different store than usual, a day or two later of the fish had white spots on its head.

Also, I have a golden fantail in this tank, overnight it seems to have lost the majority of scales on the one side of its body? This happened two days ago and it hasn't got any worse since.

I treated the tank as soon as I noticed and it's due another treatment on the 19th.

I suppose, putting the fish in the tank so early could have caused them stress bringing this on?

Hoping I don't lose any :(
Or.. do they?

The only fish I can see white spots on in my tank is my brown fantail, he has them on his head and across the front of his fins, just reading a post just below, these could be breeding stars??
Nevermind, it was definitely breeding stars, he has been chasing my female around the tank all day and brushing her into plants.

Got loaaads of eggs everywhere now, put them all into a separate tank woo :D
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