My NEW tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 24, 2012
i just bought a new tank and its dimentions are : 4ft L x 2ft W x 2ft H

its running off an aquamanta efx 600 filter 2000LPH.

im not too sure what to have yet i was thinking maybe discus or an african cichlid tank or a peaceful community of some sort i havnt decided yet.

if you have any suggestions id like to hear what you would have (y)

species of fish :
planted or rocks:
species only or mixed:

thanks for reading and please leave a message :thanks:
I would either do a species cichlid setup like a green terror pair or jack Dempsey pair.

Or else I would do a large community tank I would do

8 bosemani rainbows
6 Zebra Loaches
1 Bristlenose Pleco
2 Angelfish
8 neon rainbowfish
8 Panda Corys
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